The Archthrones require more souls, great souls to Link the Fire. This is your purpose, the purpose of the Emissary of Embers, the Fire Keeper's champion.


About this project:

Archthrones is a brand new story set before the events of Dark Souls III and a comprehensive total overhaul mod, complete with its own lore that is informed by the deepest secrets of the Dark Souls mythos. New enemies, bosses, armor, weapons and spells are only the beginning.

The design of the game has been inspired by Demon's Souls's level structure. With the richness of NPC questlines and depth of our own level design, the player will find engaging complexity within the varied worlds. Relive some of the most memorable areas of the entire trilogy within one mod, with reinterpretations of iconic characters and some interpretations you've only seen in item descriptions. All made possible by a talented team that includes experienced concept artists, writers, programmers, composers, and voice actors within the Souls community.

Experience a world where you, The Emissary, must hunt down the Gods of yore. Pulling from every single game in the series and including mechanics and animations from other accomplished Fromsoft games, the team has also worked on highly memorable boss battles and complex combat encounters.

Core Team Members


Will this mod ban me?

  • No. The private server ensures that you are unable to connect to fromsoftwares servers. This mod also uses its own save files. Bringing your Archthrones save files to your vanilla save folder and playing on vanilla ds3 servers will ban you. Bringing your vanilla save files to your Archthrones save folder may cause issues to the mod.

Can I play this mod with my friends?

  • Yes. Currently this mod uses a private server that will connect you to other Archthrones players. You cannot connect to other players playing vanilla dark souls 3.
    Currently, our private server only supports cooperative play via white sign soapstone. Support for duels, invasions, and other multiplayer activities is planned for future updates. Note: We are using DS3OS and it may not be stable with a large player counts

How much does it cost ?

  • This Mod is available to all for free and will always be. If you would like to support the mod, our Paetron and Ko-Fi are linked in the tabs above.

Can I play this mod if I haven’t purchased the DLCs?

  • No. Both DLC packs are required in order to play this mod.

How will I know if I have properly connected to the Archthrones private server?

  • After pressing any button from the title screen, a notification will pop up informing you of your online or offline status. Online stability of our server may decrease as total player count rises. We apologise for any online instabilities.

What are the minimum specs to play Archthrones?

  • Processor: Intel Core i5-9400F
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
    RAM: 4 GB memory
    Storage: 12 GB
    Operating System: Windows or Linux
    (Works on Steam Deck)

Main New Features

New and Reimagined Worlds

Immerse yourself within 5 memorable worlds that draw inspiration from the fromsoftware mythos. Once again experience that classic Dark Souls anxiety that accompanies your last ditch effort to find that next bonfire. Powerful foes and stalwart allies await you in these slightly familiar and unfamiliar lands.

New Bosses

Charge headfirst into 17 new boss fights and more to come. Be sure to make use of all the new combat features to ensure your success in these endeavours. Some bosses will fight in unexpected ways. Be observant, and victory will surely find you.

New Armor

Instead of focusing primarily on porting returning armor sets from previous fromsoft games, we have decided to focus the majority of our efforts on creating entirely new armor sets unique to the world of Archthrones. Complete with cloth physics.

New NPCs and Side Quests

All new NPCs are fully voiced by some guest appearances you might recognize… We wanted our worlds to feel lively and responsive for both new and returning players. As such, we highly encourage you to frequently chat with the residents of both firelink shrine, and the various Archthrones as you progress through your journey.

New Combat Mechanics

Guard counters, perfect blocking, powerstance, deflection, backstep guard cancelling, and various rebalances and fixes to nearly every weapon class in the game.

Nonlinear Progression

Explore each throne at your own pace, and in your desired order. Easiest to most difficult or vice versa, the choice is entirely up to you.

Discord Server

You love the mod and want to share your experience with others? You found bug(s) you want to report to the team? You wanna discuss the mod with new people?

You should join our Discord server